Humans and salmon coexist in a circular relationship dating back thousands of years on Kodiak Island, Alaska. The wild Alaskan salmon run is one of the great migrations of the world, and we are so proud that our fishery is certified as environmentally responsible and recognized as the model of sustainability for the world. We at Soul Mate Salmon, as fisherman and fisherwoman, invite you to be part of this wonderful WILD food chain. There are so many reasons to eat our salmon!
- WILD caught are not raised in pens surrounded by thousands of other salmon (essentially feed lots) which increases death by parasites.
- WILD caught means ANTIBIOTIC FREE. (They feed the farmed salmon antibiotics.)
- WILD caught means free of color dyes. Our wild salmon eat krill and other micro organisms that turns their meat red or pink. Farmed salmon is dyed. That’s gross!
- WILD caught supports individual fishermen and women, not big giant corporations.
- WILD caught isn’t genetically modified! Wild Alaska Salmon don’t have eelpout genes spliced into them to make them grow faster to get to market.